Workforce Planning Update

Our team has recently been delivering workforce planning workshops across the state and online. Thank you to everyone who participated. It was really nice to meet and connect with you all and gain insights into the wonderful work you do. Your feedback was important, as it will assist WorkUP to continue to support you to build a strong and sustainable workforce and inform the development of our five-year workforce plan.

Some of the key themes we are hearing across the board include:

  • A desire for more face to face professional development opportunities
  • A focus on growing the workforce and retaining staff
  • Services experiencing high demand and resourcing pressures

We look forward to meeting with others across Queensland. Please join us in Cairns on Thursday 13th July for another face-to-face Workforce Planning workshop. To register please visit:

We also encourage service providers and all staff to complete the Organisational and Workforce Surveys. This will help us have a better understanding of workforce needs and the data gathered may also support services in their work. You can access the surveys here: Workforce Survey

If you aren’t able to attend an event in person, you can send us your thoughts and feedback via