Practice Support Project: A Snapshot

The Practice Support project, delivered in partnership with Inner Vision Consulting, offered specialist support to services implementing DFV Practice Standards. Tailored to individual service needs, the project has seen remarkable benefits.

We would like to share a snapshot of a recent review of the project.

Practice Support was accessed by 15 services across Queensland with particular interest from rural and remote services. Benefits included:

  • Empowered Teams: Participants reported increased confidence and skills through training and knowledge exchange.
  • Stronger Connections: The project fostered stronger individual and team relationships and sector-wide collaboration.
  • Practice Development: A safe space for sharing experiences and vulnerabilities encouraging growth and learning.
  • Valuable Resources: Access to quality information, professional development, and resources supported service enhancement.
  • Shared Understanding: Communities of practice and resource development promoted shared language and understanding of best practices.

In addition to individual service support, the project offered free workshops about high-interest topics, drawing over 800 registrations. Popular topics included:

  • Feminist Values
  • Case Notes
  • Information Sharing Guidelines
  • Safety Planning
  • Case Management, and;
  • Professional Boundaries

Overall, the Practice Support project has made a positive impact, empowering services and professionals to better support people affected by DFV.

Over the coming months, WorkUP Queensland will be considering the review findings and using these to inform the project’s next iteration. If you would like to discuss practice support or have suggestions to inform our planning, please contact us at