Our professional lives can seem to be constantly under the pump from needing to move forward and to constantly grow and learn. Whilst professional learning and growth is important, it’s also important to stop, pay attention and be aware of what is happening for us, how we are responding and what is driving that response. Only then can we know we are moving forward in the right direction. And sometimes it’s not about moving forward, it’s about staying still and taking a moment to breathe.

For many of us, doing this alone through journaling or meditation is challenging. Particularly so, when so many of our day to day decisions about our work are made alone.  Peer mentoring can feel like a soothing and comforting balm. Peer mentoring is when two or more people who share similar contexts, life experiences and challenges agree to connect for the purposes of mutual support. Not to give advice, not to judge and not to ‘stretch’ each other. Rather, to listen, to empathise, to share stories and together to create a safe container to hold the challenging stuff that is happening in your lives.

Connecting Across the Land is a peer mentoring program.  It has been designed to promote a culture of care within the sexual violence, women’s health and wellbeing and domestic and family violence sector which is a key priority of the Central and South West Queensland workforce plans.  It is a flexible program that will be iteratively tailored to meet the needs of participants to ensure that the connections that develop are authentic and last way beyond the semi-structured phase of the program.

You can register for Connecting Across the Land now at https://workupqld.org.au/whats-on/

to register for the information session or the whole program.

Contact Christine at WorkUP Queensland for more information:


0400 999 184

We would love to have you… You don’t have to fly solo!