Newsletter editorial: A word from our CEO’s

As the CEO’s of The Healing Foundation and ANROWS we recognise the extra burden day to day on the workforce and are pleased to inform you that WorkUP Queensland is providing training and development in response to this significantly changing environment.

As we keep our distance to keep people safe from COVID-19 we are well aware that this distancing can lead to increased risk of domestic, family and sexual violence. The sector across Queensland has been highlighting these concerns to both governments and the broader community. At the same time services are establishing and refining new ways of working in a physical distancing environment, online and by phone and in some instances continuing face to face.

WorkUP Queensland has had the opportunity over this period to engage with the sector and in response has put together a suite of online professional development opportunities from one hour webinars to three part series and longer term communities of practice. Professional development opportunities coming up over the next few months include:

  • Capacity building during COVID-19
  • Maintaining meaningful contact with men who use violence: contemporary research to alternative approaches
  • Virtual Knowledge Circles for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers
  • Maintaining well-being through COVID-19: A Neuroscience based approach to self-care
  • Emerging Leaders Series
  • Communities of practice for practitioners and administrators

We look forward to the days when we can connect in different ways again and hopefully, we carry with us some of the learnings and insights we have gained during this unusual time.

Take care

Fiona Petersen and Heather Nancarrow