Implementing the grow the workforce strategic road map
WorkUP Queensland is excited to release the Growing and retaining a workforce for the future: A strategic road map 2024-2026. We would like to thank and acknowledge the sector leaders and stakeholders that have contributed to the shaping of this critical piece, particularly the project’s working group that have guided the development to this point.
There is a raft of reforms for our specialist workforce that will increase service delivery demands state-wide. WorkUP continues to lead Recommendation 30 of the Queensland Government response to Hear her Voice – Report One, dedicating focus on attraction, recruitment and retention of the state’s skilled workforce.
We recognise the significant challenges of a tight labour market, particularly for rural and remote services attracting and retaining skilled staff. The creation of the grow the workforce strategic road map is co-designed, helping respond to the additional pressures of future workforce supply and demand. With integrated workforce actions, this is an evolving piece aimed at long-lasting impact and influential change.
The Road Map’s implementation is staggered over the coming years, alongside our core work and include:.
- Pilot program to support emerging practitioners, including new and recent graduates
- Showcasing series and practical resources to attract and sustain student field placements
- Strengthening connections and leveraging the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector, with a focus on rural and remote regions
- Exploration, testing and trialling alternative and flexible short-term sector led models, e.g. internships and foundational skills development to ‘grow your own’ in regional locations
- Effective responses supporting workforce health, safety and wellbeing, tailored to the needs and nature of our work, at an individual, organisational and system level.
The following newsletter articles provide details and invitations to our current activities:
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways for our sector
- Expression of Interest for Pilot Program Participation – Supporting Emerging Practitioners in Specialist Services Pathways
We are proud to support the sector’s commitment to the response and end of sexual, domestic and family violence in Queensland. We are confident that together, we can sustain positive change for our communities.