Connecting with evidence in 2023: Inform, Identify, Implement
In 2023 WorkUP Queensland will bring you more ways to engage with new and emerging evidence. We are launching a new plan to support the sector to build knowledge and remain up to date with findings and recommendations from the world of research. We will be focusing on three priority areas: Inform, Identify, Implement.
We will be offering a whole new range of ways for you to connect with the evidence. We will be working to develop our resource hub with new information such as:
- 1 page research summaries and syntheses
- Factsheets
- Infographics
- Videos
- Evidence implementation tools
- Case studies from practice
- Training materials
- And more!
We will continue to offer SPARK webinars throughout the year. SPARK, or Speakers Provoking Action, Reflection and Knowledge are designed to connect you with examples of emerging evidence and give you the opportunity to ask questions of the researchers. Let us know if there is a researcher you’d like to see featured, or a topic you’d like us to explore.
We are introducing a new way that we can support you to identify and articulate the evidence you already using. WorkUP Queensland will be offering you processes including one on one support for your organisation to both increase your own understanding about the knowledge held within your organisation and use that to tell a compelling story to funders, auditors and others. Where gaps are identified, WorkUP can support you to identify how to address them.
Practice Studios, which are small, funded projects, supported by WorkUP Queensland that enable organisations implement evidence in practice will continue. In 2023 we are seeking to increase the impact of practice studios by encouraging collaboration between services and developing multi-service practice studios for a region or cohort.
Organisations won’t need to wait for an expression of interest round. Instead, you can reach out to us directly, at any time to discuss what you would like implement. We can then work with you or even a number of organisations, to design, develop and implement a project that meets your needs. All this work is underpinned by knowledge translation theory about how to mobilise evidence into action. This keynote address, Mobilising evidence for wicked problems: Lessons learned from gender-based research delivered by Professor Nadine Wathan at the 2021 ANROWS conference unpacks the challenges of knowledge mobilisation and presents a model that describes how to do this work in practice.
We want to hear from you!
- Would you like to know more about the evidence on a particular topic, but don’t have the time to read an entire research report?
- Do you have a suggestion about researchers or other speakers we should feature?
- Are you interested in understanding how you or your organisation can get involved?
You can reach out to us directly by emailing or you can submit your request via this form: