Connecting the dots: A new practice framework for working with children and young people with disability who experience domestic and family violence

Around 30 per cent of children who have experienced Domestic and Family Violence are children with disability. These children and their families often face multiple challenges and barriers when seeking help from different service systems, such as health, justice, police, DFV and child protection.

In response to this gap, ANROWS has published a new practice framework  “Connecting the dots“, which outlines the key principles and elements of strength-based practice when working with children and young people with disability who have experienced DFV. The framework is based on evidence from research, practice theories, ethical principles and lived expertise. It aims to help practitioners and practice designers across sectors understand the needs and priorities of children and young people with disabilities and their families, and to collaborate effectively to provide holistic and tailored support.

The framework highlights the importance of recognising children and young people with disability as victims and survivors of DFV, and of respecting their agency, voice and choice. It also emphasises the need to adopt a trauma-informed, intersectional and human rights-based approach that acknowledges the diversity and complexity of their experiences. The framework provides practical guidance on how to build trust, rapport and safety; how to engage in respectful communication; how to assess risk and safety; how to plan and deliver interventions; and how to evaluate outcomes.

If you are interested in learning more about the framework and how to use it in your work, you are invited to register now for our SPARK webinar held on October 12. The webinar will feature presentations from the researchers and practitioners involved in the development of the framework, as well as a Q&A session. You will also hear from children and young people with disability who have shared their stories and insights for the project.

You can read more about the research report behind the framework on our resource hub

SPARK Webinar – Enhancing Practice at the Intersection of Disability, Violence and Youth panellists

Professor Sally Robinson

Associate Professor Georgina Sutherland

Elly Desmarchelier

Find out more and register for the SPARK webinar here.

If you miss the webinar, a recording of the event will be available on the WorkUP Queensland website soon after.