WorkUP Queensland Update
WorkUP Queensland Update
WorkUP Queensland is now in our sixth year, and we acknowledge and continue to be appreciative of the strong partnership and engagement with the sector over this time. Together we continue to lead the way in designing and creating innovative and holistic strategic workforce responses that have impact and are genuinely shaped with the sector stakeholders at its heart.
Over the past few months other jurisdictions who are focusing on workforce capacity and capability in the specialist sector have been reaching out to learn about the WorkUP Queensland model. At the forefront of our story is that we engage with and leverage the wisdom of the sector.
We have created a strong platform, exemplified by the development of the Workforce Capability Framework, providing a foundation for what good looks like for our specialist workforce. Follow on resources such as the bank of interview questions and the reflective practice toolkit, will be critical touchpoints in bringing in and keeping our future workforce and we encourage continued use and tailoring of those resources to meet your needs.
Reference Group
We are looking to fill vacancies in our Reference Group. Two long term members have recently stepped down. We are grateful for their generosity, wisdom, and support they have shared with us and other members of the Reference Group.
The Reference Group meets up to 4 times a year providing WorkUP with workforce insights at a broad and project level. If you are interested in being a member of the WorkUP Queensland Reference Group, please read the Terms of Reference and Application Process document. In this document there is a link to the application form.
Download the Terms of Reference and Application Process
Please contact
Workforce Survey
Our annual workforce survey will be out before the end of the year. The data we gather from the workforce survey will be of increasing importance as we continue to seek a richer understanding of the workforce of the specialist sector in Queensland. We have received healthy response rates in the past and hope to exceed this for this year.
Please take the time in your busy days to look over and share this newsletter.
Scholarship round 9 is now open
Scholarship round 9 is now open
Are you looking for an opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in the violence against women sector? If so, you may be interested in applying for a WorkUP Queensland scholarship. WorkUP Queensland scholarships support the professional development of workers in domestic and family violence, sexual violence and women's health and wellbeing services funded by the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG). WorkUP Queensland is proud to administer this program on behalf of DJAG.
Up to $15,000 per scholarship is available!
The current scholarship round opened on Monday 14 October 2024 and will close on Friday 15 November 2024 at 5:00pm. This is the final round for 2024. You can apply for a scholarship to cover the costs of a qualification that is relevant to your role and work within the sector. This supports any person working in a role in the services above – from business services to practitioner to leader. You will need to demonstrate how the qualification will benefit your practice, your organisation and the sector as a collective. You will need to have your application endorsed by your employer.
To find out more about eligibility, the application process and the breadth of qualifications considered, we welcome you to attend a free online lunchbox information session on Wednesday 23 October, 12:00pm – 1:00pm. You can register for the session here:
Scholarship information is available on our website, including examples of programs supported with previous round scholarships. The guidelines and the application form are available on our website from opening date. You can also find a helpful resource with examples of other study supports that may be available to help progress your sector career.
To find out more, go to:
For any other questions, please contact Toni -
This is your chance to advance your career and contribute to the prevention and response to violence against women in Queensland. Apply for a WorkUP scholarship today!
Implementing the grow the workforce strategic road map
Implementing the grow the workforce strategic road map
WorkUP Queensland is excited to release the Growing and retaining a workforce for the future: A strategic road map 2024-2026. We would like to thank and acknowledge the sector leaders and stakeholders that have contributed to the shaping of this critical piece, particularly the project’s working group that have guided the development to this point.
There is a raft of reforms for our specialist workforce that will increase service delivery demands state-wide. WorkUP continues to lead Recommendation 30 of the Queensland Government response to Hear her Voice – Report One, dedicating focus on attraction, recruitment and retention of the state’s skilled workforce.
We recognise the significant challenges of a tight labour market, particularly for rural and remote services attracting and retaining skilled staff. The creation of the grow the workforce strategic road map is co-designed, helping respond to the additional pressures of future workforce supply and demand. With integrated workforce actions, this is an evolving piece aimed at long-lasting impact and influential change.
The Road Map's implementation is staggered over the coming years, alongside our core work and include:.
- Pilot program to support emerging practitioners, including new and recent graduates
- Showcasing series and practical resources to attract and sustain student field placements
- Strengthening connections and leveraging the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector, with a focus on rural and remote regions
- Exploration, testing and trialling alternative and flexible short-term sector led models, e.g. internships and foundational skills development to ‘grow your own’ in regional locations
- Effective responses supporting workforce health, safety and wellbeing, tailored to the needs and nature of our work, at an individual, organisational and system level.
The following newsletter articles provide details and invitations to our current activities:
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways for our sector
- Expression of Interest for Pilot Program Participation - Supporting Emerging Practitioners in Specialist Services Pathways
We are proud to support the sector’s commitment to the response and end of sexual, domestic and family violence in Queensland. We are confident that together, we can sustain positive change for our communities.
Expression of Interest for Pilot Program Participation - Supporting Emerging Practitioners in Specialist Services Pathways
Expression of Interest for Pilot Program Participation
Supporting Emerging Practitioners in Specialist Services Pathways
WorkUP Queensland is inviting expressions of interest from services within the Queensland specialist domestic and family violence, sexual violence, and women’s wellbeing sector to participate in a pilot program for emerging practitioners. This pilot is co-designed with the sector to strengthen pathways and reduce the pressure of capacity and capability building in new workers of specialist service delivery. The expression of interest will close on Friday 8 November 2024.
Overview & Objectives
The pilot program is designed to address the unique needs of both emerging practitioners and specialist services. Its broad intent is to support emerging practitioners by identifying and addressing gaps in industry knowledge and experience, relieving learning and professional development pressures on participating organisations.
For Emerging Practitioners:
Participants will engage in professional development through tailored workshops, online learning, structured peer-learning, networking, and one-on-one support. The program aims to ensure that emerging practitioners are well-prepared for sector challenges, particularly in rural and remote areas, where workforce sustainability is critical. Ongoing feedback mechanisms will continuously improve and refine the program.
For Specialist Services:
Services that nominate an emerging practitioner to participate in the pilot will contribute to shaping the program content through surveys, participation in a focus group, and direct consultation with program facilitators. Your participation ensures the pilot will address the unique needs of the sector, filling knowledge gaps and complementing organisational capacity to support emerging practitioner learning and development. Participating services will ultimately benefit from a sustainable, skilled workforce better equipped to meet the sector’s growing demands.
Definition of Emerging Practitioner
For the purpose of this pilot program, an "emerging practitioner" refers to individuals who are early in their careers within the specialist domestic and family violence, sexual violence, and women’s wellbeing sector. This includes:
- Recent graduates: Individuals who have recently completed a relevant degree or certification and are entering the sector for the first time.
- Sector changers: Individuals with prior experience in other fields who are transitioning into the sector.
- Practitioners with lived experience or practice-based experience: Individuals who may not have formal qualifications but have been actively working within the sector for 1-5 years, gaining practical knowledge and skills through hands-on work.
Submit an Expression of Interest by Friday 8 November 2024
Your involvement will help us tailor the pilot to better serve workforce needs, offering a unique opportunity to influence future workforce development initiatives.
To express interest in shaping the pilot program, nominate an emerging practitioner to participate, or both, please CLICK HERE to complete a short form.
Need more information?
If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone, please contact WorkUP Queensland via phone or email.
0428 103 841 |
Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways for our sector
Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways for our sector
Have you considered using Vocational Educational Training (VET) and Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) to gain a qualification and recognise work experience and skills?
WorkUP Queensland is partnering with TAFE Queensland to support the domestic and family violence, sexual violence and women’s health and wellbeing sectors to grow and retain workforce through VET pathways. This initiative sits within the broader Grow the Workforce strategic roadmap and seeks to support rural and remote regions, however workforce state-wide are encouraged to explore the options available.
WorkUP Queensland have selected a series of qualifications or programs that can lead into or enhance those in our sector.
We invite target services, leaders and individuals to consider this flexible and tailored learning delivery program to grow their own workforce. The following qualifications are available under the Fee Free TAFE funding to eligible participants:
- Certificate III in Business
- Certificate IV in Community Services
- Diploma of Leadership and Management
These courses may be a great opportunity for existing staff across all sector service delivery levels to upskill, have current skills recognised, and gain further qualifications. This can include:
- Allied support staff (e.g. administration support, reception and other organisational support roles)
- Existing frontline practitioners and
- Experienced practitioners transitioning into team leader or leadership roles.
There are various avenues to a rewarding sector career. For example, Kathleen is in leadership role today. Consider her career pathway below to see where she began.

Expressions of Interest are now open – click here for more information including how to apply. Enrolments close 30 Nov 2024 for commencement in early 2025.
Allies for Systemic Advocacy: 18-Month Learning Cohort
Allies for Systemic Advocacy: 18-Month Learning Cohort
Do you often see how systems fail to meet the needs of survivors?
WorkUP Queensland is pleased to be able to offer the Allies for Systemic Advocacy 18-month learning cohort, facilitated by Global Alliance for Women’s Safety.
Services with a focus on advocacy and integration are invited to express interest in Allies in Systemic Advocacy for up to 3 workers, one of which is a leader or manager.
Over the 18-month learning cohort, you will:
- Learn and apply the 5 skills of systemic advocacy on a systemic problem you’ve encountered,
- Receive feedback and coaching, while working towards a systemic change for survivors and
- Get inspiration from ASA facilitators and others in the sector.
At the end of the cohort, you will have new skills, colleagues who share the ASA framework, and options for action to inspire and sustain your system change efforts.
Key Benefits for Services:
Participation in ASA offers numerous benefits, including:
- Raising awareness and establishing shared language around best practices.
- Enhancing human resource management and recruitment processes.
- Improving workforce wellbeing and retention.
- Sharing valuable learnings and resources across the broader sector.
Program Details and Key Dates:
Duration: November 2024 to April 2026 (Participants must commit to the full 18 months)
Face-to-Face 2-Day Initial Workshop: Thursday 7 & Friday 8 November 2024, 9:00am – 5:00pm (Fitzy’s Loganholme, QLD)
10 Online Group Sessions: Dates determined by participants after the initial workshop
Face-to-Face 2-Day Final Workshop: Dates to be determined throughout the program
Eligibility and Cost
This program is open to:
- Specialist domestic and family violence, sexual violence, and women’s health and wellbeing services funded by the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General, Office for Women
- QDVSN members
- Integrated Service Response services
- Other organisations involved in systems advocacy
Cost: $300 + GST per participant (max 3 per organisation)
Only one EOI is required per service. EOIs close Thursday 24 October 2024.
Submit Your EOI Today!
This is a rare opportunity to enhance your service with the skills, support, and tools needed to make a lasting impact on systemic challenges facing survivors. Submit your expression of interest HERE by Thursday 24 October 2024 to participate in Allies for Systemic Advocacy.
For more information, please contact Kirstie on 0428 103 841 or
Introducing the Reflective Practice Toolkit
Introducing the Reflective Practice Toolkit
The Reflective Practice Toolkit has been created to offer practical support for workers and services looking to use the Workforce Capability Framework (The Framework) for reflective practice.
As you know, The Framework outlines the expected capabilities for individuals employed in Queensland's specialist domestic, family and sexual violence, and women's health and wellbeing workforce. Domain 5 of The Framework emphasises the significance of reflective practice and self-awareness in this work at all levels and roles.
The Toolkit provides information on reflective practice approaches, practical resources, as well as tips for their use.
Additionally, The Toolkit contains five sets of reflective practice cards aligned with The Framework Capabilities domains and levels, which include:
- Allied Support
- Practitioner
- Advanced Practitioner
- Leader, and
- A team set to support group reflective activities.
The resources within The Toolkit are adaptable and can be used in various ways to meet the specific needs of services and individuals. For instance, to help facilitate reflective team discussions, professional supervision, self-reflection, performance discussions, or team building.
The Toolkit has been distributed to several services and consultants for testing and feedback.
We invite you to participate in the upcoming Reflective Practice & Self Awareness - What Does Good Look Like? Online workshops held in late October and December. This is an opportunity to explore these resources and provide feedback. To find out more and to register visit
The feedback will be used to make final improvements before releasing the resources to the sector in early 2025.
If you would like to learn more about the Reflective Practice Toolkit, please contact and stay tuned to the Facebook page for further updates.
SPARK Webinar now available! Young people have entered the chat is now available to watch anytime
SPARK Webinar now available! Young people have entered the chat is now available to watch anytime
We are excited to announce that the SPARK Webinar titled “Young People Have Entered the Chat: Designing Services that Centre Needs of Children and Young People” is now available for viewing on the WorkUP Queensland website! This insightful session draws from a synthesis of ANROWS research projects, emphasising the critical importance of incorporating children and young people's voices in practice and policy decisions that impact their lives.
The webinar features a dynamic panel of young voices who bring a wealth of personal and professional experience. Their unfiltered and raw insights promise to challenge and enlighten you, providing fresh perspectives to enhance your practice.
Meet Our Panellists:
- Harrison James: An inspiring survivor and activist, Harrison co-founded the #YourReferenceAintRelevant campaign. His journey offers invaluable lessons for refining your approach to service delivery.
- Rhea Waia: A proud Torres Strait Islander, Rhea is a social worker, poet, and author. She will discuss how services can better respond to the needs of children and young people, leveraging her extensive community work.
- Maddie Graham: A social marketing professional focused on gender equality and youth well-being, Maddie will share insights on what truly matters in service provision.
- Kirstie Williamson: A survivor of child sexual abuse, Kirstie is committed to improving outcomes for young people. She will provide insights grounded in personal experience, focusing on what is needed for meaningful change.
- Rachael Pascua-Weatherall: An advocate for intersectional and culturally informed gender equality, Rachael has been involved in preventing gender-based violence from a young age. She will share her perspective on advancing effective services.
- Mack Kohn: Co-coordinator of the R4Respect program in Logan, Mack engages young people in vital conversations about respectful relationships and consent, helping you understand how to better support youth in your practice.
We encourage you to watch this important webinar and reflect on the messages shared. How can you integrate these insights into your work to better meet the needs of children and young people affected by domestic violence?
Access the webinar here: WorkUP Queensland Resource Hub
Professional Development Opportunities
Professional Development Opportunities
WorkUP Queensland continues to respond to the needs of the sector through offering a range of professional development opportunities. After hearing from the sector, WorkUP is pleased to once again work with WESNET to offer a series of online opportunities for our sector that supports practitioners in navigating their work with victims of technology-facilitated abuse. From October to February 2025, practitioners will have the opportunity to participate in one or all of the workshops that cover a range of topics of the use of technology through a DV lens.
As we work to assist our sector in growing a skilled and sustainable workforce, WorkUP is pleased to open Foundations of Sexual Violence work to students who are completing their placement at a specialist service. This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain foundational knowledge on sexual violence work in Australia. Delivered by Dr Justine Hotten and Katrina Weekes from Centre Against Sexual Violence, this program has been developed with insights from the sexual violence, women’s health and wellbeing and domestic and family violence sector in Queensland.
Please browse the below links to workshops to find out more and to register.
Foundations for Sexual Violence Work – 25-27 November 2024
WESNET – Technology Facilitated Abuse Series
Dating App Safety - 25 October 2024
This webinar explores common abuse scenarios that occur within the online dating world including but not limited to online harassment and misogyny, image-based abuse, romance scams and stalking. The webinar will cover ‘do’s’ and ‘don'ts’ of online dating, privacy and security features, and options available for those experiencing abuse.
Children, Young People and Tech Abuse - 15 November 2024
This webinar explores the ways in which abusers use young people’s technology as a part of domestic and family violence and practical ways frontline workers and advocates can support their clients to respond to this risk.
Understanding Stalkerware - 4 December 2024
This webinar provides an overview of stalkerware and how it is currently used in domestic and family violence on both computers and mobile devices. Participants will learn tips for identifying stalkerware and practical steps to support victim-survivors with risk and safety planning.
Social Media and Survivors - 3 February 2025
This webinar will discuss how domestic and family violence perpetrators commonly misuse social media and what can be done to support victim-survivors. The webinar will also look at data collection and sharing and how built-in privacy and security settings can be used to report and document abuse.
Location Location Location - 14 February 2025
This webinar covers the ways in which victim-survivors may be located, monitored, and surveilled through technology by abusers. It explores commonly used tactics including tracking technology, geolocation data, accounts and apps, and malware.
Smartphones and Safety - 28 February 2025
This webinar will explore the ways in which abusers commonly weaponise smartphones and discusses the effects these types of abuse can have on victim-survivors.
For more information and to register for these events visit:
If you have any professional development ideas, please be in touch with us at
Practice Support Project: A Snapshot
Practice Support Project: A Snapshot
The Practice Support project, delivered in partnership with Inner Vision Consulting, offered specialist support to services implementing DFV Practice Standards. Tailored to individual service needs, the project has seen remarkable benefits.
We would like to share a snapshot of a recent review of the project.
Practice Support was accessed by 15 services across Queensland with particular interest from rural and remote services. Benefits included:
- Empowered Teams: Participants reported increased confidence and skills through training and knowledge exchange.
- Stronger Connections: The project fostered stronger individual and team relationships and sector-wide collaboration.
- Practice Development: A safe space for sharing experiences and vulnerabilities encouraging growth and learning.
- Valuable Resources: Access to quality information, professional development, and resources supported service enhancement.
- Shared Understanding: Communities of practice and resource development promoted shared language and understanding of best practices.
In addition to individual service support, the project offered free workshops about high-interest topics, drawing over 800 registrations. Popular topics included:
- Feminist Values
- Case Notes
- Information Sharing Guidelines
- Safety Planning
- Case Management, and;
- Professional Boundaries
Overall, the Practice Support project has made a positive impact, empowering services and professionals to better support people affected by DFV.
Over the coming months, WorkUP Queensland will be considering the review findings and using these to inform the project’s next iteration. If you would like to discuss practice support or have suggestions to inform our planning, please contact us at