16 Days of Activism: Celebrating Queensland Activists
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs through International Human Rights Day on 10 December.
This year, the UN marks the 16 Days under the theme “UNiTE! Activism to end violence against women and girls”.
16 Days of Activism: From 25 November until 10 December, WorkUP Queensland will acknowledge and highlight the achievements of those working in the DFV sector in Queensland.
Read Angela’s story below.
Angela Lynch, QSAN Secretariat
Today, meet Angela Lynch, who currently works as Secretariat for the Queensland Sexual Assault Network.
Angela has previously worked with Women’s Legal Services Australia as a national reform coordinator, where she helped develop changes to the Family Law Act to prevent unrepresented perpetrators of DFV from being able to cross examine victims during court proceedings.
These changes were implemented and new laws were introduced, including a national service response through legal aid to support these changes.
This campaign took roughly seven years of ongoing advocacy.
Angela says activism plays an important role in systemic reform.
“The role of activism, advocacy, and seeking policy, legislative and system reform is key to raising awareness and building community responses to sexual, domestic, and family violence.”
“It is a way of encouraging government and other organizations to take a stand and take action on legislation, policy, and/or service gaps. Though victims of violence can undertake their own advocacy and we must make space for this, they also expect workers in the sector to speak up on their behalf in a consistent manner and to ensure their interests are considered in decision making.”
Click here to read all the stories as the become available.